Stokies Invited to Improve Christmas Budgeting Skills on the ‘Number Bus’
Stoke on Trent College, in partnership with Stoke-on-Trent City Council is inviting residents to improve their numeracy skills ahead of the festive season, by hopping aboard the Stoke By Numbers Bus this week. From Tuesday 3 December to Friday 6 December, the bus can be found in the City Centre (Hanley) from 9:30am until 4:30pm.
Christmas is an important time to budget effectively, and completing a Stoke By Numbers numeracy course will provide skills to help with budgeting and number confidence whilst enjoying this special time of year.
Stoke By Numbers is part of the government’s £560 million national programme, Multiply, which aims to transform the lives of hundreds of thousands of adults across the UK by offering flexible and free training. As part of the programme free numeracy training courses are being delivered across Stoke-on-Trent. With six delivery partners for the project, courses are available at a variety of locations.
Representatives from the partners will be on hand on the Stoke By Numbers bus throughout the week, so visitors can receive expert advice and find the right course for them. Visitors to the bus will also receive a goody bag and be able to engage in some number-based fun activity. There is plenty for everyone to takeaway, from top tips to useful tools and interactive problem solvers.
Antoinette Lythgoe, Chief Financial Officer and Interim CEO at Stoke on Trent College who lead the marketing activity for the Stoke By Numbers programme said:
“We are delighted to have the Number Bus returning to Stoke-on-Trent, just in time for the festive season. This is a vital time of year, when numeracy skills are crucial to ensure you are budgeting correctly and taking advantage of any discounts or savings when Christmas shopping.
“We are encouraging residents of the city to hop aboard and find out how we can help and support them to improve their number confidence.
She added;
“You may not realise how important Maths is for everyday life. Whether budgeting for your weekly shop, helping children with homework or wanting to improve your job prospects, the free training offered through Stoke By Numbers can help anyone in Stoke-on-Trent to boost their numeracy skills.”
Cllr Sarah Jane Colclough, Cabinet Member for Education and Anti-Poverty at Stoke-on-Trent City Council said:
“I am very pleased to see the Stoke By Numbers Bus is making a welcome return to the city centre.
“Improving numeracy skills is beneficial to everyday life, as so many of our day to day tasks involving use maths. With shopping and budgeting so important at this time of year with Christmas fast approaching, the free advice and activities the bus is offering could not be more timely.
“I know it’s an extremely busy time of year but I encourage residents to make use of this free support and gain some expert advice on everything financial as we look forward to the festive season.”
Tag:free maths courses, maths, numeracy