
Stoke by Numbers is part of the government’s new £560 million national programme, Multiply, which aims to transform the lives of hundreds of thousands of adults across the UK.

A city-wide public awareness campaign will operate across the city, led by Stoke on Trent College in partnership with Stoke-on-Trent City Council. Delivery of the training courses will be from six providers across the city, ensuring there are opportunities available for all.

Why are numeracy skills so important?

The UK Government wants everyone to have the opportunity to learn and develop the essential skills they need to succeed at any age.

Currently 17 million adults in England – half of the working-age population – have everyday maths skills equivalent to those expected of a primary school child, and within Staffordshire more than a quarter of students leave school without a GCSE in maths.

Numeracy skills are essential to understand and use maths in daily life, home and work. Whether that be improving household finances, helping children with homework, making more sense of the stats and facts in the media, or improving numeracy skills specific to your line of work.

People who improve their numeracy skills are more likely to be in employment, have higher wages, and better wellbeing.

Who is Stoke By Numbers for?

Adults aged 19 or over will be able to access free courses that fit around their lives – whether that be in person or online, at work or in the evening, part time or intensive.

Employers who could benefit from boosting their workforce’s skills will be able to work with our training providers to deliver maths GCSEs or work-ready Functional Skills Qualifications, and design and deliver bespoke programmes for their workforce – at no cost to them.